We have a monthly technology department meeting with technicians, curriculum technology partners, et al. to discuss initiatives, organize projects, and address current issues. I usually have an agenda with several items to discuss as a group. Every once and while, I like to mix it up a bit. As often as possible, I provide reminders of how our work as individuals and as a collective group is related to our most important priority; STUDENTS (and in our case, students learning with technology). Here is an example of one of my reminders (Appreciating and Working with Awesome People). Last Friday, I started our meeting off by handing out a ½ sheet of paper with our technology vision:
Grand Forks Public Schools Technology Vision
The Grand Forks Public Schools believe technology is an integral component of learning and is necessary to learn effectively, live productively and participate globally in an increasingly digital world. Technology resources transform learning by allowing learners to create, publish, collaborate and communicate with others in a global environment. Technology helps learners gather and analyze information, solve problems and develop higher-level thinking skills through authentic real-world experiences.
On the lower part of the paper, I listed 3 blank lines and asked each member of the technology department to answer the following question:
Over the past week or so, how have you contributed (directly or indirectly) to the vision?
There was a slight pause, then everyone got to work. After each member of the technology department wrote their list of 3 or more, I asked each person to share their list with the group. Here are several of the items from our collective list that were shared at our meeting:
- helped film, assemble and act in videos for a “pride in others” pep rally
- worked one on one at the team level with teacher to implement Google Classroom, Flipquiz, XC Collaboration, Today’s Meet, and Kahoot
- helped plan, film and create an iMovie for our YORS student group to submit to Safe Kids for distracted pedestrian safety
- presented to 6th grade students on evaluating credible resources on the web
- facilitated Skype session with a marine biologist from the Bahamas for informational writing
- started a “tech club” that meets once a month
- started a “Makey Makey” club that meets during the lunch hour to create, collaborate, critically think and present a final project
- create books to share in iBook Store for school to read
- worked in a 6th grade classroom to install Google Read and Write
- met with a project based learning group to help with planning the final portion of their project and authentic learning piece
- completed and dispersed information for NDATL registration and conference
- planned for the Google Summit
- fixed, documented and repaired netbooks
- facilitating a book study
- working with students to integrate Google Read & Write tools with writing activites
- writing a grant for a maker space area
- worked on netbooks
- planning with teachers on how to use Read & Write tools
- met with the Scholastic trainer
- revisioning special education transition form and meeting agenda for more effective special education meetings and integration with TINET
- digitizing the Smarter Balanced accommodations form for better data storage by school
- helped student log into ACT ASPIRE
- showed Smartboard 14 XC Collaboration and Goegebra to math teachers
- helped a student create an animated drawing to go with a college application
- reloaded netbooks for teacher to continue her foreign language project
- ensured ACT Aspire was organized and working for students
- completed an online counselor appraisal form
- preparing new forms for Area Learning Center
- imported winter 2015 MAP results to ViewPoint
- worked with high school secretaries to generate E-Transcripts for students
- prepared iPads to be loaded
- created student Google accounts
- facilitated timely repairs of netbooks
- facilitated a response to an ongoing printer problem
- completed multiple Technology Help Requests on time
- assisted Child Nutrition with future technology purchases
- helped multiple teachers with Technology Help Requests at multiple schools
- updated iPads and installed needed apps
- helped out with printer issues
- repaired netbooks to keep student working
- worked to keep the network running for everyone
- worked with active directory creating student accounts
- prompt when responding to Technology Help Requests so teachers would have the tools they need to educate
- worked on being more efficient so my tools and skill set is maximized
- trained some staff yesterday on multicast that will better help them communicate their digital message
- convinced PTO to purchase sets of iPads
- worked in a 5th grade classroom on Google Presentation
- met with a grade-level team to plan for a research project
- helped a teacher set up Google Classroom and created the first lesson
- worked with our counselor on a presentation for an all school assembly
- participated in Monday night #gfedchat on Twitter on assessment
- facilitated a 5th grade colonial America project with iPads
- celebrated the 100th day of school with kindergarten students using KidPix to create a collage of 100 stamps
- worked with a tech and teacher to figure out how to get her Android to integrate with iPhoto
- helped a teacher set up blogs to share student work
- worked with 5th grade students to create a green screen projects of their biographies
- planned projects with teachers and students to create and publish their writing to share globally
- worked with kindergarten students to show their understanding of teen numbers using iPads
- helped students publish their informative writing digitally
- met with a principal to discuss the purchase of iPads and how I will provide professional development to support teacher learning
- guided student with publishing future jobs project in kindergarten
- posted projects and assisted in creating projects for a Google Site
- helped facilitate Google Hangout for teachers during the elementary literacy
What an impressive list! I am so proud of the work our technology department staff does on a daily basis, yet so often goes unnoticed. It is often challenging for people to “brag” about what they have done for students when most feel it is just part of their job and nothing extraordinary. But, this activity provided a couple of opportunities: 1) to gain an appreciation of what others within the department do and 2) for each person to get a well-deserved “pat on the back” for their contributions to our #1 priority; our students. The positive vibe in the room was amazing as others listened and applauded each person’s dedication to students demonstrated in so many different ways. This is a tough time of the year for everyone, so taking some time to appreciate our individual and collective work was time well spent. It was also great for our activity to get a nod of approval later that evening via Twitter by a member of our awesome crew: