As a former social studies teacher, my passion for all things related to social studies continues. I know most people are familiar with the story of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; “the date that will live in infamy.” But, few know the story behind Japan’s subsequent attacks on Guam, Midway, and Wake. My Great Uncle Merle Herron was a Marines on Wake Island during the attack and eventual surrender to the Japanese.
He was held by the Japanese as a prisoner of war until the end of the war in August 1945. Click on the following link to read Merle's 5 page personal account from December 1941 through September 1945.
All the details in Merle’s account speak for themselves. You will notice the date listed at the end; January 12, 1988. It took him about 40 years before he was able to talk about his experiences. The final paragraphs summarizes his reasons why:
After I read Merle’s account, I wanted to know more, so I completed additional research of the Wake Island Marines for classes within my social studies major. I started my teaching career as a social studies teacher in 1993. It would have been great to have Merle speak to my classes, but even better, I was hoping to interview, video, and archive Merle discussing his experiences. I was extremely grateful that he agreed to be interviewed and video taped on a visit to his cabin in 1994. Here is the video:
It was one of the moments of my life that I know I will never forget. Spending time with and having the opportunity to interview not only a World War II veteran, but one who survived the cruelties of war as a prisoner of war. In my eyes, A TRUE HERO. But, I found one quote by Merle to be a true testament to his character and others who also served:
“Some of the fellas gave their lives, so they are more of the heroes than the ones that survived.”
Tom Brokaw’s book, The Greatest Generation, supports his sentiment:
“It may be historically premature to judge the greatness of a whole generation, but indisputably, there are common traits that cannot be denied. It is a generation that, by and large, made no demands of homage from those who followed and prospered economically, politically, and culturally because of its sacrifices. It is a generation of towering achievement and modest demeanor, a legacy of their formative years when they were participants in and witness to sacrifices of the highest order.”
“It may be historically premature to judge the greatness of a whole generation, but indisputably, there are common traits that cannot be denied. It is a generation that, by and large, made no demands of homage from those who followed and prospered economically, politically, and culturally because of its sacrifices. It is a generation of towering achievement and modest demeanor, a legacy of their formative years when they were participants in and witness to sacrifices of the highest order.”