As I thought about starting my first blog, I thought
extensively about a title for my blog and how it would best relate to my
position as technology director. I am
continually focused on student engagement through the use of technology, so the
title would have to reflect my work and passion. Similarly, I am focused on the priority of
our district’s strategic plan; “Emphasize 21st Century instructional practices
which foster student academic engagement.”
Although I do struggle with the term “21st Century Learning,”
the related goal and strategies are excellent for the direction necessary as we
continue to move forward.
· Promote
the utilization of appropriate technology tools to enhance the teaching and
learning process.
· Research
new and emerging instructional technology.
· Provide
professional development for administrative and instructional staff.
· Implement
1:1 Student Personal Digital Device Project.
My struggle with the term “21st Century
Learning/Education” is because we are 13 years into the 21st Century. It is a bit of a paradox if we are striving
for a 21st Century education, while at the same time feeling as if
we are trying to catch up. Everything we do should be focused on “looking
ahead” instead of back to the year 2000.
Lydia Dobyns wrote an excellent article in the January 10, 2013 edition
of The Huffington Post titled; “A ‘21st Century’ Education is SO
Last Century.” Lydia makes several
points about what education needs more of; relevancy, rigor, engagement,
application, and value.
My blog title is: “4C the Future,” referring to the 4 C’s of
21st Century Learning (Creativity, Critical Thinking Collaboration,
and Communication). 21st
Century is still implied, but not stated.
I believe the title is vision focused as we continue to strive for the
ideal learning environment and situation for all of our students. Additionally, our technology department has
adopted the motto “4C the Future” and is used in informational sites developed by
the Curriculum Technology Partners.
Hopefully, all we do to integrate technology into the curriculum
focuses on Foreseeing the Future (4C) and incorporates Creativity, Critical
Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication. As we start this new school year, we will
continue to work towards an education in which ALL students are engaged, eager
to learn, and prepared for their future.